Recent Presentations by Bastián González-Bustamante
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This repository contains a selection of Bastián González-Bustamante’s recent public presentations at seminars and conferences in LaTeX Beamer and Xaringan formats.
González-Bustamante, B. (2021). El uso de machine learning para la investigación en asuntos públicos. Presentation delivered the XII Chilean Congress of Public Administration, Virtual. [Permalink]
González-Bustamante, B. (2021). Desafíos metodológicos e innovaciones en el estudio de las élites. Presentation delivered at the XLV Annual Conference of the Brazilian National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS), Virtual. [Permalink]
Fleming, T. G., González‑Bustamante, B., & Schleiter, P. (2021). Cabinet Reshuffles and Parliamentary No‑Confidence Motions. Presentation delivered at the Workshop on Coalition Politics and Portfolio Design, University of Bamberg, Virtual.
González-Bustamante, B. (2021). Aplicaciones de R en ciencias sociales: Minería de datos y modelamiento econométrico. Presentation delivered at the Political Science Method Lecture, Universidad de Chile, Virtual. [Permalink]
González-Bustamante, B. (2021). Aplicaciones de Machine Learning en políticas públicas y economía. Presentation delivered at the VIP Project Workshop, Universidad Mayor, Virtual. [Permalink]
González-Bustamante, B. (2021). Ministerial Stability During Presidential Approval Crises: The Moderating Effect of Ministers’ Attributes on Dismissals in Brazil and Chile. Presentation delivered at the XXVI World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Virtual. [Permalink]
Cisternas, C., & González-Bustamante, B. (2021). Political Careers and Co-Sponsorship in the Chilean Lower House 2010-2018. Presentation delivered at the XXVI World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Virtual. [Permalink]
González-Bustamante, B. (2021). Aplicaciones de data mining, modelamiento y machine learning para ciencias sociales. Presentation delivered at the I Training Data Lab Workshop, Virtual. [Permalink]
The complete list of presentations at conferences and seminars is available on my CV repository. Although it may be a little outdated.
These presentations are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). This open-access license allows the data to be shared, reused, adapted as long as appropriate acknowledgement is given.
I am a post-doctoral researcher in Computational Social Science at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University, Netherlands. I hold a DPhil (PhD) in Politics from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Further details on my website